
A central feature to this client is it's detailed design, focused on a superior developer experience and performance. We also ensure that we follow design patterns outlined by Gallagher

Data Transfer Objects

This a central part of our design. There are three types of schema definitions, each one of them suffixed with their intent:

  • Ref are References to other objects, they using contain a href and possibly additional meta data such as a name or id
  • Summary is what is returned by the Gallagher API in operations such as searches, these are generally a subset of the full object
  • Detail are the full object found at a particular href, they compound on the Summary schema and add additional attributes

I additional we have classes that defined responses which are suffixed with Response, these wrap structures which returns hrefs for next and previous responses and usually have a collection to hold the response.

Ensure that each Endpoint defines their own DTOs so you can test them for authenticity. Avoid writing generic classes.

While Refs, Summary and Detail responses have fields, and it would make sense from an efficiency point of view to inherit e.g Summary builds on Ref, this should be avoided so logically an instance of a Ref class doesn't assert true for isinstance of a Summary class.

API Client Core

The core package in cc provides two important classes:

  • APIEndpoint which all endpoint consumers configuration must inherit from
  • EndpointConfig an instance of which each class must return as a result of the get_config method

Every Endpoint Consumer Class is expected to return an instance of EndpointConfig from the get_config method. Each configuration provides references to paths that are dynamically discovered as part of our bootstrapping process.

Never hard code URLs as this violates the HATEOAS design principle.

Additionally each configuration will provide references to DTO classes that is used to parse responses, and details of the body.

class Alarms(
    """ Alarms

    async def get_config(cls) -> EndpointConfig:
        return EndpointConfig(

The above example shows the Alarms class which is a consumer of the alarms endpoint. It nominates AlarmResponse as the class the infrastructure will use to parse list responses and AlarmZoneSummary as the class to parse retrieve responses.

It references the Capabilities.CURRENT singleton which is a Capabilities instance that is bootstrapped at runtime. This is a singleton that is used to provide references to all endpoints.

If a command centre does not have a certain capability then the objects are set to None and accessing the feature raises an exception (more on this in other sections).

Designing Endpoints


Layout of our files